
1.  Identify and discuss the factors that increase risk of incontinence and describe the different types of incontinence.

2.  Explain the causes and describe the types of treatment for incontinence in the elderly.

3.  Describe and conduct assessment of a patient who is experiencing incontinence and elicit the key historical and physical findings relevant to bladder and bowel control.

4.  Identify possible contributing factors that are transient and implement diagnostic strategy and management plans to address transient causes.

5.  Identify causes that contribute to persistent urinary problems and implement diagnostic strategy and management plans to address these problems.

6.  Develop a multi-disciplinary, client-focussed management plan that addresses the transient and persistent causes of incontinence.

7.  Discuss the social and psychological consequences of incontinence on quality of life.

8.  Explain how iatrogenic factors contribute to the burden of incontinence.