Due to staffing changes we are currently unable to process completion certificates. We are using this opportunity to revisit fully automating the process of issuing certificates, and hope to be back issuing certificates soon!
Look what arrived today from Singapore!
It is so exciting to see this work. You can download a copy at https://www.hackcare.sg/ Many thanks to our wonderful collaborators!
UWA students thank Bethanie staff and volunteers
A large number of Bethanie volunteers enjoyed a “thank you” morning tea served with help from grateful UWA students, who also shared some of their reflections on their time at Bethanie. A big thank you to Anne Bolton, Ash Osborne and the Bethanie staff (especially the tireless OT department) who have worked so hard to support student placements.
Excellent new delirium resources added
We have added links to two new online videos to the Resources (click here) page within the delirium module. Many thanks to Dr Michelle Lai and her team at Fiona Stanley Hospital for sharing their locally developed (Commonwealth Department of Health funded) resource (click here). The target group is all WA hospital based health workers, including junior medical and allied […]
e-Ageing evaluation presented
We are delighted that Karen Sukadolnik (Medical Student) has had an opportunity to present an updated evaluation of the e-Ageing site at the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2016. You can read an abstract of Karen’s presentation at the journal website – scroll down to FP37. Karen reviewed 1470 responses from at least 1100 […]
Reminder about physical assessment pages
Some users report that they can’t progress past the physical assessment pages. The pages have been tested and appear to be working correctly. Pressing the “I have finished the examination” button will not reveal the “continue” button until all of the physical examination signs have been displayed. Thus if you are finding it difficult to progress at the conclusion of […]
even more test answers added
The stroke and falls module test answers are now available on the modules’ resources pages
More test answers added
The delirium module test answers are now available on the module’s resources page
Bethanie’s BTTNH Older Adult volunteers awarded
The older adult participants who volunteer as part of the Beyond the Teaching Nursing Home project were short listed following nomination for the WA Bethanie Medallion awards in the Volunteer Medallion – Organisation category. This award recognises any organisation in WA that has shown outstanding dedication towards others in the community, inspiring others to contribute to, and participate in the […]
Falls in hospital – a doctor’s guide to prevention and management
e-Ageing is delighted to promote the new WA Health video Falls in hospital – a doctor’s guide to prevention and management. The video is freely available on vimeo and we have included a link on the falls resources page