Case Summary

Mrs Wood responded well to combined pharmacologic and cognitive therapy and within four months is feeling much more like herself again. A repeat MMSE was conducted and Mrs Wood’s score had improved to 28/30.  Repeat GDS score was 7/15 – a substantial improvement.

She will remain on 20mg of Citalopram for the next 12 months and which time she will be reviewed and consideration will be given to lowering the dose to 10mg for a further 6-12 months.

Mrs Wood will continue to see her Psychologist regularly over the next 12 months to ensure her progressive improvement.

It is also important that she maintain participation in social and physical activities and Mrs Wood is fortunate to have a close circle of friends and family who will help her to achieve this. A strong social support network is very important in living with depression, especially for older people.

She will be closely monitored by her family and GP for any signs of relapse.