Anticoagulation with Warfarin?

Should we anticoagulate?

Remember, anticoagulation and warfarinsation have significant side effects and can lead to adverse events.  However we know that anticoagulation reduces the risk of stroke in those with atrial fibrillation.  It can be difficult to decide how to weigh up the risks and benefits.  Below  is a table illustrating the CHADS2 score, a validated scoring system for determining the risk benefit ratio in anticoagulating people with atrial fibrillation to prevent strokes.

You decide to ask a consultant to further explain the CHADS score and for an opinion on anticoagulation.

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You discuss the risks and benefits with Mr and Mrs Tanner and they decide to commence warfarin…

What does Mr Tanner need to know about warfarinisation? You can refer him to this local resource:

Living With Warfarin: Information for patients.

Also remember that the risk of bleeding increases with age, so although it is probably the right thing to commence warfarin for Mr Tanner, it may not be appropriate for someone older.