

Campbell M. Communication with Aboriginal patients in the pre-hospital environment. Australian Journal of Emergency Care 1995;2(2):24-27.

McGrath P, Patton MS., Holewa HG and Rayner RD. The importance of the 'family meeting' in health care communication with Indigenous people: findings from an Australian study. Australian Journal of Primary Health 2006; 12(1):56-64

Video resources

There are some fantastic materials freely available that can assist your learning:

1. Fiona Stanley Hospital Medical Education Unit Delirium Simulation Training Video

The project (click here) was developed locally using Commonwealth Department of Health monies in 2016. The target group is all WA hospital based health workers, including JMOs and Allied Health. All material was field tested and results were presented in a national postgraduate medical conference. It provides you with a great learning resource (23mins46).

2. University of Dundee - Clinical Skills - Delirium Assessment

This video (click here) provides a great (brief; only 7min03) introduction to assessment of an acutely confused person.

Delirium Module Test Answers
