
I noted the OT/RN assessments stating that Mr Tanner was still having difficulty eating and holding cups/cutlery with his right hand when tested on an unmodified texture, regular diet, thus he would benefit from staying on the soft diet.

Food and fluid charts show he is consuming a nutritionally adequate diet and fluids. He is having no problems with his bowels. The biochemistry and blood sugar results are unchanged.

When I spoke with the Tanners, Mr Tanner appeared to be communicating slightly better although he did get frustrated at times.  I ensured that time was taken to allow him to speak when he wished to. Mr Tanner appeared accepting of the hospital diet and liked the independence that a soft diet provided, as he did not have to constantly rely on assistance. He appeared motivated to continue with the eating plan and was pleased that he had lost weight. Although a lower mood and increasing frustration have been reported by other members of the team, it is fortunate that this has not extended to Mr Tanners eating.

I began education regarding dietary changes with Mr and Mrs Tanner. Mrs Tanner reported that she had always cooked for Mr Tanner (who cannot boil an egg) and that the required dietary changes would not be too much of a burden for her to undertake. As many dietary changes were required, I kept the information as simple and concise as possible and provided written information/diet sheets. I also mentioned that Meals on Wheels were able to deliver meals for diabetic patients that can be texture modified and provided information about this service.

The social worker mentioned that she was organising HACC transport, so I requested that this include food shopping. I informed the social worker that I had provided meals on wheels information, but that Mrs Tanner had decided not to take-up that option yet.

Mr Tanner would benefit from continuing with the current diet plan.