
  1. Take  a history from a person presenting with cognitive complaints
  2. Take a collateral history from the family/carer/or informant, and understand its importance.
  3. Identify symptoms required to make a clinical diagnosis of dementia (based on the DSM IV diagnostic criteria)
  4. Establish a differential diagnosis for someone presenting with cognitive impairment.
  5. Plan initial investigations to help eliminate other causes of cognitive impairment and to help establish the likely dementia type. 
  6. Plan, conduct and interpret cognitive assessment. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of assessment tools in dementia diagnosis.
  7. Be able to communicate a diagnosis of, dementia, delirium or depression, and its implications, to the patient and their family/carers.
  8. Use effective communication skills to interact with patients, families and carers.
  9. Understand the process and aims of family meetings in the management of dementia.
  10. Understand the usefulness of a long term care plan in the management of dementia.
  11. Explore legal and ethical issues in treating a patient with dementia, considering wills, advance care plans, consent, competency and end-of-life issues.
  12. Explore multidisciplinary care in the management of a Person With Dementia (PWD) and develop an understanding of how to access care services.
  13. Identify difficulties faced by PWD in accessing care and support services and how these might be  overcome.
  14. Understand the need for, and ways of achieving, carer support throughout the journey of dementia.