Care Plan

Home help and domestic cleaning will continue to be provided through HACC. Mrs Cloverdale will maintain her fortnightly appointment with her regular GP, who will keep a close eye on her medications and any gait and balance disturbances, as part of an on-going falls risk assessment.  She will also assess Mrs Cloverdale’s mood to make sure she does not lapse into depression and withdraw from social activities again.  The GP will monitor Mrs Cloverdale’s Vitamin D level. She will likely continue to need some supplementation, especially in the winter months.

Mrs Cloverdale will visit the podiatrist once every 3 months, and have a block of six weeks of physiotherapy for muscle strengthening and balance work.  She may require follow-up sessions in the future, and her GP will keep an eye on this. A yearly ophthalmology visit will be arranged to ensure that Mrs Cloverdale does not develop any secondary diabetic eye disease.